We support UCCF (University and Colleges Christian Fellowship) who seek to make disciples of Jesus Christ in the student world.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

We support Wycliffe Bible Translators who seek to translate the bible into languages which have little or no translations.


We support CAP (Christians Against Poverty) who exist to help people who are held hostage by debt and poverty.

Caring For Life

We support Caring For Life whose projects can basically be broken down into two main areas, housing and daytime activities.

The Caring For Life Daytime projects, based at CFL’s headquarters on a farm in Cookridge, are very significant in helping vulnerable people to achieve a settled, constructive lifestyle. The two housing projects they run provide support and care for as long as the person wishes and needs.

This helps to establish genuine emotional security which many of those in their care will never have known.


We support CBW (Christian Books Worldwide) who exist to:

Translate and Publish suitable reformed Christian literature into other languages and Distribute sound Christian literature in English

In the words of Bill Walsh, Director of The Gospel Coalition International Outreach, USA:

CBW is about “Theological famine relief”

Mission of Love Community Orphanage Zambia

We have recently become supporters of the Mission of Love Community Orphanage in Zambia

Morning Star Children’s Centre

We have been supporting Morning Star Children’s Centre for a number of years. Morning Star is a day care facility in South Africa for underprivileged children who are infected/affected with HIV/AIDS.

Noor Ministries

Noor Ministries brings a quality Christian education to poor families in the Okara District of Pakistan.